Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Flurry of Inactivity

After flash floods, dog drama and vacation fun, we've re-entered something like our regular active lives. Lives which remain, I'm sure, filled with interest and intrigue, but which lack a certain narrative thread. Thus we shovel forth this small heap of photos from which you, gentle reader, can extract what narrative there may be. Or just enjoy the view along with us.


A local ride Greg took with Landon.

Summer monsoon season brought cooler temperatures, lots of moisture, thunder showers, and some dramatic weather.

The rain worked well for the garden, the wind, less so. The largest butternut squash we've ever seen is growing, still!

Five color chard, with stems of green, white, pink, red, and yellow -- all of which taste equally delicious.

The boys got to go shopping for rodents. Window shopping only!

We see these nearly two-inch-long wasps. burning with cold blue iridescence, as they root around under the leaf litter along the fringes of the garden. When their hunt is successful, they'll emerge with a big, black cricket slung underneath them, climb to a high point like the top of the garden fence, then leap off and fly heavily and clumsily toward...? We have yet to see an arrival, but have seen one moving in and out of a secret underground lair where we suspect the hapless cricket is serving as a meal for a hatching clutch of wasp larvae!

The very common electric blue morning glory - common but still stunning!

The much less common, itty bitty red morning glory - having this one in my yard feels like having a secret. (Thank you, Kenton, for the seeds!)

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